About Chan Xunan Ranch

Chan Xuan Ranch was created for a horse’s wellbeing and is a place to learn how to respect the animal.

At Chan Xunan, we don’t focus on training the horse. Instead, we help to teach people how to work with and fully appreciate a horse. The ranch is a place to be in nature and serenity. It is a spiritual place that becomes a home to those that visit and the horses that are cared for here.

Doma natural or natural horsemanship, means to work with horses in the most natural way. Never hurting or mistreating the horse nor giving treats to encourage good behavior.

We operate in the middle by gaining the trust of the horse. Once we gain their trust, the horse naturally does what we ask. Once we are able to safely communicate our intentions, a bond is forged and we become one with them. It’s an immeasurable gift that we hope to give all that visit.

Working with horses requires great patience and respect. For yourself and the animal. But with measured patience, you will gain the trust that is required for the horse to understand you. Your energy, the pressure you apply, the distance surrendered, and the fluidity that you present to the horse all have great meaning. To saddle a horse, you must work from the ground up. You must build upon all the steps that we give you. If you don’t have this foundation, all else will fail. But we will teach you how to be successful in every aspect.

Chan Xunan is a lifestyle. A place of tranquility, peace and connection to both the horses and the nature around you. Once you are able to connect with a horse, you will naturally have better communication with others in everyday life, be less afraid and heal spiritually and mentally. Chan Xunan fills your soul.